What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
It is important in real estate when showing properties to remember to be the last person to leave the property, especially if it is the last or only property you are showing that day, and regardless of whether or not it is your listing.
Why? Well, worst case scenario, you just never know when a "buyer" might go back into the property and maybe have left a door or window unlocked for that purpose. Or the buyers may hang around outside the property and run into the sellers coming home--not the end of the world but not desirable.
Here's an experience I had recently. I met a buyer in the late afternoon at a new listing. Because of the
snow in the driveway, and generally miserable weather, I parked behind them rather than beside them.
At the last minute the husband of the family wasn't able to attend, but Mrs. Buyer and her five-year-old daughter decided to keep the appointment. The house was vacant but heated which was lucky because it was minus 15 degrees with a wicked wind chill factor. So… late in the day, miserable weather, unfamiliar property, and everything covered in ice and snow. What could go wrong?
After seeing the house we scurried to our cars and, after seeing that her car started, I backed out the long, curving driveway. The property was located in a wooded area and, after I drove down the street a ways, I decided to wait
to make sure she got out of the driveway.
After ten minutes I returned to find the buyer in a panic because she had backed up onto the lawn and gotten stuck in a snow drift! Adding to her panic was the gathering darkness, the extreme cold, her unfamiliarity with the neighborhood and its residents, that English is not her native language, and she had a hungry, cold child to take care of.
With the help of a couple of floor mats and some small branches, we got her out (yes, AAA was my next call if not!), and her gratitude made me realize that being the last to leave is not only a precaution to protect the home and home
owners but can also be very helpful for my buyers!
Sue Aldrich, Broker/Owner
Coldwell Banker Classic Properties
3336 Airport Road Ste #3 - Berlin
Barre, VT 05641
802-223-6300 office
802-223-6544 fax
802-839-0213 cell